Today marks day 28 of my Whole 30! Only three days left which is hard to believe. When I first started this program 30 days seemed like a really long time, but it has gone by so quickly! Even though I am excited to have the freedom in eating again, I really have learned a lot from doing Whole 30 and plan to continue eating very similarly. I have never had a huge sweet tooth, but would find myself still eating some kind of dessert on most nights. I honestly haven’t craved sweets since week two so don’t plan on going back to nightly sweet treats. That is not to say I will never eat ice cream again, but it will be more on the occasion than the regular. Also I really thought I would miss dairy, but haven’t craved cheese or milk. I do miss having milk in my coffee though. Overall, I feel great and have learned a lot about eating and checking ingredients through this program. I also feel that I eat less because I get full sooner by eating real food and not processed junk. I plan on doing a full recap next week on my overall thoughts on the program. For now, here is my final weekly meal plan:
Breakfast: Sweet Potato Hash with Red Pepper and Onion
Lunch: Kale and Brussels Salad with Balsamic
Snacks: Grapes, Red Pepper with Wholly Guacamole
Sunday 3/22: Blue Apron Meal – Corned Beef Spiced Flank Steaks with Braised Cabbage and Red Potatoes
Monday 3/23: Blue Apron Meal – Turkey Chili with Avocado and Cheddar Cheese (no cheese for me)
Tuesday 3/24 (last day of Whole 30): This is my Bible study night so will probably eat from the Whole Foods salad bar
Wednesday 3/25: Out to dinner and a movie with friends
Thursday 3/26: Blue Apron Meal – Baked Fontina Pasta with Brussels Sprouts and Sage Breadcrumbs (subbing in GF pasta and leaving off the breadcrumbs)
Friday 3/27: Out to dinner
Saturday 3/28: Out to dinner
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